All items by Bournemouth chilli bitz ltd

  • Smokey Pokey BBQ Chilli Sauce

    Smokey Pokey BBQ Chilli Sauce

    Bournemouth chilli bitz ltd


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About Bournemouth chilli bitz ltd

Bournemouth chilli bitz ltd

Artisan chilli producer

Karl here from bournemouth chilli bitz,
I started growing chillies in lockdown, ended up with way too many,

So decided to make some chilli jam for myself, ended up that everyone close to me absolutely loved it, so I created a facebook page and advertised, sold out straight away (only 15 jars).
Got myself food registered, created a brand and created 5 different products. Entered different food competitions and started winning awards for these products,

Now i have a range of 20 products stocking around 100 of each constantly, selling to local stockists and customers.

1st year turn over was just over £7000, send year shot up to just over £15k.
Whilst still working a full time day job, as i use the evenings to do the chilli business.

Now making anything from 100 to 500 products a week in my home kitchen, creating and designing the labels, recipe’s, ordering stock, doing weekend festivals & makets, selling online. All as well as a normal job.

Hoping this year and next will take me to a full time business as I’m yet still to take a single wage from this business.

All the profits have been pushed back into the growth & expansion of the business.

Thanks for reading.