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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Art and sparks

Art and sparks

Sparkling mixed media art !

Hi, I’m Katherine I live in Wales, UK.

My Art
I love art in all its forms, and love creating with different mediums and trying to see where the creative process takes me.
I like creating modern, on-trend pieces that are bright, and light, and “pop” when you hang them on a wall, or place them on your favourite shelf at home. I want to make pieces that you can see new extra little details, when you look back at them next time you walk past.

I love putting different materials together paint, beads, buttons, fabric, resin, to add texture and because it is nice to use materials in unconventional ways, sometimes it makes things that are fresh and different.

I aim to bring some sparkles of happiness, through my work!

My Bio
I manage a complex chronic health condition, and art and craft has always been very therapeutic and a way to escape, connect and be mindful. I love colour, and this is my number one “tool” to create with, whichever medium I use.
I have always enjoyed being creative, taking many courses in different techniques over the last twenty years (sewing, embroidery, drawing and painting, jewellery making, photography and probably more!).

I am also very passionate about accessibility and inclusion, and use a lot of adaptive tools, and techniques in order to work, as I have a physical disability. I also have family members who are Blind or visually impaired, and I am fluent in Braille. I have made tactile images in the past and this is something I would like to add in time, to Art and Sparks listings on Folksy.

I hope to bring you some videos on my social media showing how I work with my disability.

I hope you enjoy browsing, and please message me if you have any requests or questions!