Aimee Maxelon Art

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Aimee Maxelon Art
Aimee Maxelon Art

“Recycled flowers made from used and littered plastic bottles.”

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About Aimee Maxelon Art

Aimee Maxelon Art

Recycled flowers, handmade with love from used and littered plastic bottles.

I'm Aimee, an artist, designer and maker from Gravesend, Kent.

In the last year and a half I have saved over 2,000 used plastic bottles potentially going to landfill by transforming them into colourful recycled flowers. I regularly litter pick across Kent with my 5 year old son and it is staggering how much we collect each time.

Each flower takes around 45 minutes to make, cut and shaped by hand, and then coloured with home made inks.

Around 30% of the plastic bottles I use are litter picked in my local community. The remaining 70% are collected from local businesses, neighbours and relatives. Every bottle has been used already (i.e: I never buy new plastic bottles purely for my art!) and I try to source them as close to home as possible to minimise my carbon footprint.