
Average review score:
(100% positive from 3 reviews)

    Reviewed by Helen Rogers

    Jill's work is so colourful and her wildlife studies are beautiful. I bought the badger card, bookmark and gift tag set for my friend's upcoming birthday and it will be very hard to part with them! Packaged so prettily, they were dispatched and delivered very promptly too.

    Reviewed by bah

    Fabulous illustrations on great quality card, just beautiful - am tempted to keep and frame them for myself, having fallen in love with the drawings. Speedy delivery, faultless service, could ask for no more. Would love to make another purchase soon!

    Reviewed by Lindsay

    Wow what a gorgeous card! Amazing value for money as large, detailed and beautiful art work. Very unusual 3D effect. Special card. Delivered very quickly with another lovely card as a gift. Thank you so much xxx

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