Thank you for visiting my shop and supporting a small business. I am happy to send cards and gifts directly to a recipient with a hand written note on your behalf for no extra charge, just message me with the details.
RE-USED PACKAGING: I have quite a stock of bubble wrap and used boxes from past supply deliveries and my own purchases. I re-purpose where possible as it's better to keep it on the move and re-used than going to landfill or processing.
Some of the smaller items will be in gift boxes inside the wrap but if you are purchasing a larger gift and don't want upcycled packaging just let me know.
Thank you, Marion.
£3.00 £2.50 (17% off)
£7.50 £5.00 (33% off)
£24.50 £12.00 (51% off)
£3.00 £2.50 (17% off)
£22.00 £12.00 (45% off)
Hello, I'm Marion (Mars) back in the creative zone after a break of 15 years due to personal circumstances, I'm currently based in the elemental lands of Purbeck in Dorset, surrounded by rolling hills and wild coastland which attracts all kinds of wildlife. My work area is small and so is my kiln at present but hopefully that will change.
Originally I hail from just across the border in Somerset where I used to spend a lot of time out in the fields with the wind in my hair and always enjoyed drawing and sculpting.
I love to hand build with clay and see where things take me and if I can make one person smile every day, job done!
I took art A level and foundation studies at Yeovil which I followed with a degree in 3D Design Ceramics at Bath Academy of Art but was dogged with ill health throughout my further education and in hindsight did not make the most fo the opportunity at the time.
However, after college, I was full of youthful enthusiasm and with the help of another maker, opened a cooperative not for profit shop/ gallery for local artists in my home town with a grant from the Arts Council. It was successful in its popularity but ahead of its time (no Internet) and the business rates saw us off as we were not recognised as non-profit by the District Council.
I carried on with my own work under the trade name Jadar, mostly selling at New Age fairs and shops in Glastonbury, Hampshire and Bristol and took part in the first Somerset Art Weeks. Alongside my own work , I helped my mother, rocking horse maker Margaret Spencer, build up a mail order side to her company, selling plans and parts internationally.
I also supplemented my income by studying to become a massage therapist ( not as mainstream as it is now). All this ended in 2001 when I married & went to live in Michigan USA for three years.
Now at 56, one divorce, no kids, three surgeries, PTSD and surgical menopause later, here I am ... I have been with my lovely farmer since 2105 and am finally grounded again. I have had many rescue dogs and cats in the past but now there is just the farm dog who is everybody's but I do have a random family of chickens, 5 cockerels and 11 hens and I love to garden.
So , welcome to my world and I hope you like my creations.
Reviewed by GlintBeads
Gorgeous card, arrived quickly and in perfect condition.
Reviewed by LoobyLou75
I have bought from Marion before and will continue I am sure. Prompt posting, great packaging, wonderful items. This is a Christmas present and I am sure my friend will love it.
Reviewed by Lizzie
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