Tina's Allsorts


“All Sorts of things, handmade by Tina”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Tina's Allsorts

Tina's Allsorts

I make Allsorts!!

Hi, I'm Tina and I love crafting!
For as long as I can remember I've needed to make things - Allsorts of things!!

I've tried lots of handicrafts over the years - including general sewing, dressmaking, patchwork and quilting, knitting - both from patterns and self designed, crochet, again from patterns and self designed. And a host of other things!
I can't paint or draw but put fabric or yarn in my hands and I can create something.
Many of my designs have been quite organic and they sort of evolve as I make them. Sometimes I can't quite picture the end result when I start - but they usually end up looking far better than I could ever have imagined!

Hopefully, I'll make something that you like.