Sunshine Cottage

Wendy Morris

“Hand made designs using new, repurposed, recycled and hand dyed yarns. ”

Shop Announcement:

Welcome to Sunshine Cottage!
This is my hobby and all items are hand made and designed by me.

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Sunshine Cottage

Sunshine Cottage

Hand knitted quirky designs made with new and hand dyed good quality yarns

I rediscovered the craft of knitting again in 2010 when I stumbled upon the joy of knitting socks on 4/5 double pointed needles. Most of my items are socks but also some wrist warmers, hats, scarves and occasionally other small items. All my items are designed by me and I love to experiment with different wools. Also, I enjoy dyeing yarns and seeing what interesting colours evolve in the process.

Before this rediscovery I learned to knit when I was very young, and was taught by my grandmother. I knitted lots of things in those days but always using a pattern!

Sunshine Cottage is the name of my house. I am very fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the world. The Cotswolds always reveal beautiful colours, whatever the weather, which give me the inspiration for my designs.

My crafts are purely a hobby, and selling them through Folksy gives me the opportunity to share my passion for knitting!