Sox Super Comfy Cat Harnesses

“Harnesses inspired by a cat, for cats!”

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About Sox Super Comfy Cat Harnesses

Sox Super Comfy Cat Harnesses

Cat Harnesses, inspired by a cat for cats!

A little story behind Sox’s harnesses, Sox is a rescue who I picked up back in January 2021. Upon a vet visit, as expected Sox was suffering with a severe mouth infection which had travelled into her bones, so was put on antibiotics and had all her teeth removed apart from two! At the same time we had full bloods done as she had blood in the eyes and we wanted to know what underlying conditions we were dealing with and an abdominal scan as we could feel a lump! Unfortunately we discovered Sox has stage 2 kidney disease, a tumour in the abdomen, a heart murmur and we guess from her untreated conditions she had high blood pressure which caused the blood in the eyes and sadly permanent damage to her eyesight. Thankfully she regained some of her sight back but not enough to be able to go outside on her own. This prompted me to search for a harness design to make myself for her. With her being such a small cat at 2.4kg when I first took her in the designs available were very hindering on her, too thick a neck piece, all Velcro beneath the neck and stomach which made her feel uncomfortable, the thin webbing types dug into her small body. so I designed one to suit Sox for comfort. Making the neck piece slimmer and putting the fasten on the side, made Sox feel more free to move and happy to explore. We also added two strips of webbing to sit either side of the spine rather than along it, prevents rubbing and helps to stabilise the harness from slipping side to side. We then decided to make a full length fleece harness as she felt the cold on those chilly days, so she could go out and explore and stay warm! I think this is one of her favourite harnesses!

Sox’s harness has worked so well for her that we decided to share with other kitties. We do not claim these are escape proof harnesses, as we don’t believe such a thing exists, with cats being the Houdini of the animal world, but we do believe if a cat is comfortable and doesn’t feel restricted they are more likely to accept a harness and happily walk in it with no issues!

We offer them in a variety of sizes, if no size seems to suit your kitty, message us and we’ll make one to size.

So Sox Super Comfy Cat harnesses and designed by myself, with Sox, approved by Sox and made by myself, at our home in Wales, UK. And every one is made with love, and with the hope they bring as much joy as they have brought Sox <3

Sox hopes you enjoy her harnesses as much as she does!