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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.



I upcycle unloved and forgotten furniture and in doing so prevent it ending up on landfill!

Hi I'm Lynn and I'm married with a 20 year old son and an Irish Terrier called Stanley.
After opening my shop STUFF in the summer 2014 we were approached by an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ distributor who thought our little shop was an ideal candidate to become an Annie Sloan stockist. We applied, and much to our delight were accepted! Then of course along came Covid and we gave up the shop and converted an outbuilding into my studio and I haven't looked back!

I took on another couple of paint brands one of which is the wonderful Fusion Mineral Paint.

I paint furniture and give back to the environment by recycling as much as I can!