
Sarah & Roy Derham

“Hand made plant supports created using naturally rusty mild steel”

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About RustyRavenPlantSupports


Hand made naturally rusty metal plant supports created in our west country workshop, designed to support and protect your favourite blooms in all weathers.

It's great to meet you! My husband and I finally got our very own garden in the summer of 2018 and, together with our two cats Buddy and Mischief, we got to growing things immediately. The soil is fertile, the sky's are big and the westerly wind blows almost non stop. With no budget to purchase anything but the basics we had to work out how to provide the needed support to protect our plants from the strong winds, as well as from badgers, rabbits and muntjac! By visiting gardens and looking on online we saw what others used and began to try to make our own budget friendly versions of plant supports.

This spring we decided to take a handful of plant supports to our local village fete to see what happened and we were delighted by the positive responses we received, not to mention by the sales we made. We both enjoyed chatting to our fellow villagers about our respective gardens and we even had people contacting us weeks later wanting to make purchases!

So fast forward 5 years and we now have two more cats (they moved themselves in!) and our own range of plant supports which we make by hand in our little workshop using UK sourced 6mm mild steel and sell to fellow gardeners locally.

Being out doors with our pack of cats, growing and creating, is what we both love to do most and we hope that our little business venture Rusty Raven Plant Supports, will enable us to do more of that in the years to come.

Thank you for visiting us, we hope you enjoy looking at our creations and perhaps find something that will help you look after your favourite plants.