Fox-in-Gloves Flower Ornaments

“real flowers - timelessly encapsulated in resin ornaments”

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About Fox-in-Gloves Flower Ornaments

Fox-in-Gloves Flower Ornaments

Flower Ornaments - real flowers timelessly encapsulated in resin

I'm Anne and I have a passion for all things flowers and gardening in Shropshire. Preserving and encapsulating them in resin means that I - and you and your loved ones - can enjoy special blooms captured in timeless floral ornaments

Legend has it that the foxglove flower would make the perfect soft gloves for (admittedly very tiny) fox paw digits (digitalis being the Latin name!), so just had to name my little business after them.

Fox-in-Gloves Flower Ornaments delivers whimsy and summer delight :)