
Victoria Murphy

  • United Kingdom

“We make it personal”

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About Produced4you


Poems and speeches by an award-winning writer

I used to be a senior writer on national magazines like Woman's Own, as well as newspapers (and won two major awards for my writing). It was a dream job - interviewing film stars, Prime Ministers, world-famous singers and unknown people with incredible stories. I've also written the authorised biography of a major politician and a novel.

I had to give up work when my spine collapsed from unexpected osteoporosis that went undetected. I’d always written poems for friends and family and with more and more requests, it grew into Produced4you.

The journalist in me hasn’t gone though. My Blog has opinion poems, covering all kinds of topics:

Here are a few of the lovely messages I've received:

BBC Radio 5 Live:
“Hi Victoria Could you come on the radio later to have a chat about your brilliant poem? The words are great…”

For a speech at a charity event:
'Wow! This is incredible! You really did a great job bringing in my own words.'

Judy Nissel:
I loved the poem. We were laughing and crying at the same time. It was the best present I could have given him. Thank you Victoria.

Wow what a lovely genuine gift! Thank you so much. Also really lovely packaging x

Julie Cohen:
Thank you so very much for your help in preparing something from me for my parents’ Golden Wedding celebrations. Your words were personal, sincere and you even added some humour! I highly recommend your services for any occasion!

I want you to be as happy with your poem or speech as these customers, so please get in touch and I'll try to help.