Peedie Craft Company

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Peedie Craft Company
Peedie Craft Company

“Beautiful handmade fused glass art”

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About Peedie Craft Company

Peedie Craft Company

Affordable, unique handcrafted gifts

Both Keith and I love and value family and friends as well as our mounting variety of animals. We both work in our own mediums of art. Keith a talented woodworker, his career started in Sheffield as a joiner.
I work with glass and my career started back in the 1980’s as a free hand paintress for Wedgwood.
We have developed our skills over the years as well as combining family life. We live with our ever growing family in the Cheshire countryside and are part of a wonderful and vibrant village life.
Keith has created a wonder keepsake for the village rose queen, which is presented each year and I love baking with the ladies from the WI.
We have living with us at home our son, 2 grandchildren as well as Bailey our dog, Elsie the cat, Kenneth the tortoise a fish with no name and 17 hens and 3 cockerels.