I have recently added several items to the Sale/Clearance category in my shop. Like a lot of crafters we sometimes need to try and make space for new items! I usually have some items reduced so you may like to pop back occasionally to see what is on offer.
Latest additions are Stone Table Mat and Coasters Sets.
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any queries.
Many thanks.
I have loved taking photos for many years, landscapes and seascapes are my passion as I love the outdoors. I never sit and wait for the conditions to be right for a shot, my camera is usually over my shoulder when walking or sightseeing, and I snap away spontaneously when I see something which takes my fancy. I have however, enjoyed playing around with images of flowers, several have just been taken in my garden (or maybe someone else's) and some at National Trust gardens etc.
Living in mid Devon I am lucky to be relatively near to some amazing scenery, Exmoor and Dartmoor and both North and South coasts are within an hour or so's drive and my husband and I enjoy using our motorhome to reach places further afield.
Having knitted and crocheted when a lot younger I re-kindled this hobby a few years ago and now enjoy creating a range of different small items which can be viewed in my shop.
Cats - I have always owned (or I should say be owned by) at least one cat. At the moment we have two Bengal X's, brother and sister, these cats definitely have character!!!
Thank you so much for taking a look at my shop, please feel free to contact me if you would like further information about anything or would like to discuss a custom order for something.
Reviewed by susan5
Totally amazed and delighted! Real quality tags, just what I hoped for for special gifts. Highly recommended
Reviewed by Chloe
I’m really pleased with these. I bought several sets for different presents and the quality is lovely. Thank you!
Delightful napkins, perfect for decoupage on air dry clay and speedy delivery. Thanks.