
Robert North

  • United Kingdom

“recover the old, broken, unwanted ”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Northy67


Recover the unwanted, discarded, broken and damaged and re-imagine

I try and create unique, hand-crafted furniture from salvaged materials I have collected form various sources
All materials are cleaned then selected before getting put together in a number of different ways to create one of a kind items
Mild Steel, Stainless steel, Brass, Copper, hardwood, soft wood, pallet wood, plywood off cuts just to mention a few are used to provide one off unique items that will last

My goal is to build something that will last - both aesthetically and structurally.
The materials and off cuts I use to create my items almost always begins as many small pieces and dictate the type of items i can craft

NOT design trained in any way
when i was a kid everything had more than one life
I never had a bike bought for me we simply went over the local tip (recycling centre) get hold of what bike bits you could and made yourself a bike up
The Materials I manage to collect and my imagination are the only limits i have
if i haven't got a tool i will try to make it before i buy it