NorthEye Arts & Leatherwork

Katy Plume

  • United Kingdom

“'Creative Enthusiasm'......”

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About NorthEye Arts & Leatherwork

NorthEye Arts & Leatherwork

Creative Enthusiasm

Designer...Artist...Photographer...Leather Worker...

I find it difficult to generalise what I enjoy doing.

I prefer to be known for my 'Creative Enthusiasm'......

All of my designing and creating takes place in my small home studio overlooking the Moray Firth on the North East coast of Scotland.

Living in such a beautiful area, where the mountains meet the sea, makes an inspiring backdrop for myths, legends, history, fantasy and culture, not just from the local area but far beyond as well.

My interests and curiosity in these subjects is vast and influences my art and fuels my creativity.

All of the leather items are hand crafted by me, and are one of a kind, as are my up-cycled items. I make items from a wide variety of materials, so watch this space :-)

Should you have a bespoke request for a custom item, feel free to contact me, I enjoy a challenge & I’d love to hear from you! ;o)

Katy, Ellie (Cat, aka : The Boss), Xena (little dog : so thinks she’s The Boss) & Toby (Big dog & beach Bum : Recreational Director) :-) x