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Yuliya Miller
£20.00 1 in stock
Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.
I am a Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist that loves to relax by playing with fibre in all sorts of ways and disguises. I guess Hypnotherapy is weaving with words so there is some similarity!
I always advocate Crafts for therapy to all my clients, it is such a good way to de-stress and unwind or to totally engross yourself when your mind needs a break from all the day to day trauma that 'life' throws at us.
I am crafting everyday whether Sewing, Spinning, Weaving, Crochet, Macrame or Kumihimo and working from home and working online I find that I can grab my stash between clients too, to unwind and take myself into 'the zone' for the next client.
I was taught to sew when I was about seven by my mother and, over the years, have always made clothes and homeware for myself, friends and family. At sixteen, I added to my skills with Macrame which was useful in the homes and gardens that I have frequented and again a craft that I have a real passion for. Cross Stitch and Macrame have always adorned the walls of my home. Several years ago I started to sell the ‘excess’ of my creations as, anyone who loves a craft will tell you, there is never enough space to keep everything!
When we moved to Norfolk I found another challenge, Weaving, which in turn led me to Spinning – even though really, I guess spinning, in ‘real life’ should come first. Making lots of yarn and then not being able to use my loom whilst waiting for children outside clubs etc. led me to learn Crochet (I tried knitting when I was in my late teens and didn’t get on with it) and Kumihimo, both of which can easily be thrown into a bag and taken anywhere, cricket, football, netball, etc.
When I look at the crafts that I love, they are all fibre, texture and colour orientated. I am not so good with a pencil to draw with and my painting is limited to the quirky gnomes that keep on springing up in my garden – much to the annoyance of the children and possibly the neighbours too!
For me, being a ‘Fibre Artist’ in my spare time is a wonderful, mindful experience, a great self-therapy and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
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