Art of Kuriology

Malcs the Kuriologist

“Curiosity sculptural oddities created in our Art Laboratory”

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About Art of Kuriology

Art of Kuriology

"We drag strange dark things into being from down a very deep rabbit hole"

Thank you
…for looking in on ‘Kuriology Art Laboratory’ creations.

I create stuff, am a self-taught severely disabled ‘outsider’ artist living in rural Cornwall. With a background in professional antique restoration in my youth & a lifelong avid collector of ‘things’.

Most of my sculptural art creations have to fit into my perception of ‘Cabinet of Curiosity’ artefacts & object d’art. They also fall comfortably into the ECOART bracket, being made primarily from recycled or re-purposed materials. My creations are much influenced by Natural History, Classical Culture & Civilizations, Occult & Religious Belief /Superstition Artefacts, Taxidermy, Gothic, Steampunk, Carnival, Science Fiction/Fantasy & Mythology, etc.

They are oddities & curiosities of my making

My various sculptural creations are simply my personal form of ‘basket weaving’ like that once used as therapy - post WWI for those suffering with PTSD. My sculptures, a bi-product of my cognitive health circumstances. A personal therapeutic coping strategy tackling boredom of over a decade of my being housebound through clinically diagnosed cognitive health issues. A result of Catastrophic Trauma resulting in my forensically being diagnosed with debilitating post-traumatic stress. So not so much a hobby or business my creating is more medical occupational therapy – my practicing the ‘Dark Arts’.

So as I said, I make ‘stuff’, err, lots of stuff. Primarily curiosities, oddities & peculiars, to occupy my hands & ward off brain rotting numbness of day time TV. When I’m in ‘the zone’ I can shut out the clamors of the world & be quite prolific in my productivity. However, this leads to having too reluctantly let go of much-loved creations as I simply run out of display/storage space. In reality, it is an ongoing exercise in perpetual down-sizing without end.

• In 2016 I created a series of figurative sculptures – ‘Damnatio memoriae‘– for the national UK LGBT History Month Project
• In 2017 I held a solo exhibition - ‘From Behind Closed Doors’ & filled the large gallery space of Helston Museum in Cornwall with over x250 sculptural objects. Even this barely scratched the surface of number of sculptures created in over a decade of my being housebound.
• Also, an invited speaker at Falmouth University to art project funders, University faculty & lecturers, museum curators & other interested parties as to the influence of museums upon my creative work.

The selling of my creations therefore helps to fund purchasing of materials I cannot glean from recycling/repurposing sources.

Hope you found the blurb interesting & thank you for taking the time to read this overview of the - ‘Art of Kuriology’.