Cornelia's Pottery

cornelia larsson

  • United Kingdom

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About Cornelia's Pottery

Cornelia's Pottery

I love to coil my pot's and make them to look thrown on a wheel

I am from Sweden but live here in UK. In my younger days ( sounds like I am very old but I am only 50+ ) I went to an art school ( always been creative) where I was introduced to clay I tried to create on the wheel but I could never get into making the same thing like 10 mugs that was the same but in my second year we had a lady on a visit to show us how to build pot's in the american indian ways that's when my interest started with coils and hand building. But than life got in the way and I left the clay but I always went back after a few years and again left it to rest..... what changed was I realized after I got to know my sister had breast cancer (she is in the clear) it's time for me to go back to what I love. And the first pot's I build was not to my liking so they went back to the water bucket ( that's why I love clay I can reuse it as long as I'm not firing it) and I was looking for a style that is me.... as I love Viking, celtic design it got me inspired to show the coils and also make design with coils on a coiled pot.

Oh I think I forgot to tell you my name and it's Cornelia but called Connie.... who I am? a nature child. Just love to be outside in the nature where I can be me but at the moment I live in a town called Whitby so I am up very early for walks with my dog called Quint (a rescue dog) I found some paths that others seldom walks so I can get lost in my thoughts plus I look for designs and inspirations