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Kathryn Parsons Ceramics
Kathryn Parsons Ceramics

Kathryn Parsons

“inspired by nature... made by hand”

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About Kathryn Parsons Ceramics

Kathryn Parsons Ceramics

I create beautiful, intricate ceramic jewellery and treasures, using simple hand tools.

I am an artist and visual story teller, living in Cambridgeshire. I am fascinated by the textures, forms and structures found in nature, and always find that it's the small details that catch my eye.

In my work as an artist I create intricate sculptures that weave together the tales of places, people and the natural world. These pieces are created for exhibitions, galleries and as site-specific interventions in museums and historic locations. Often I find that these projects also inspire me to create jewellery and other small treasures..... and that is what you can see here.

My latest project was inspired by the corals that grow around the British Isles. I was very fortunate to be invited to the Natural History Museum to spend a day with the curator, learning about these fascinating creatures. Details of this and other exhibitions can be found at

I especially enjoy working in porcelain clay, modelling small pieces with simple hand tools. Everything you see here has been shaped by hand, without the use of moulds, so each piece is unique and has its own character and charm. I work from my studio, and fire the clay in my much-loved kiln.

My work has been exhibited at The Victoria and Albert Museum, The National Centre for Craft & Design (including a solo exhibition) and City Gallery Peterborough, and as site specific interventions at Burghley House, John Clare Cottage, Northampton Museum and Derby Museum. Derby Museum holds one of my porcelain sculptures in their collection - it currently sits beside the 18th century tulip-shaped cup that inspired it.

I am a selected member of Design Nation and the John Clare Trust's Associate Artist.