Kate Flowers Studio

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Kate Flowers Studio
Kate Flowers Studio

“All things textiles - Homeware, Art, Gifts - Handmade in Wales with Love”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Kate Flowers Studio

Kate Flowers Studio

Nature inspired soft furnishings and artworks - bringing the countryside into your home.

I am Kate, a textile artist designing and making everything from crocheted Afghan blankets to embroidered wall art in Kate Flowers Studio, deep in the heart of rural Mid Wales.

My childhood was populated by a throng of crafty ladies, most of them called Aunty, who tried to pass their skills on to me. They introduced me to embroidery, machine sewing, knitting, tatting (which I still can’t do) English Paper Piecing and hand quilting, macramé, felting, and last, but by no means least, Crochet, which my Grandma Flowers taught me when I was about 4 or 5.

Throughout my long career as an opera singer I could be seen in rehearsal rooms around the world with something crafty in my hands and, after each opera, a quilt or jumper or picture filled with memories of whichever role I had been singing would come home with me. Now the roles are reversed in a very pleasing way. I can be heard humming away in my studio as I work with delicious fabrics and yarns, dipping into the same creative pool to bring happiness to another audience; my wonderful customers and clients.

My creations have their beginnings in the natural world, the love of which has been a constant throughout my life. Be it a luxurious, crocheted alpaca Afghan, inspired by a walk over heather covered moorland or an embroidered silk picture of a fallen oak leaf, my inspiration is the countryside and my aspiration is to capture its essence for everyone to enjoy in the comfort of their own home.

Texture and sustainability are at the heart of my work and the materials I use to achieve the effects I am after are (mostly) natural, plant based and animal fibres, new when necessary and vintage or recycled where appropriate. I am always experimenting with innovative fabrics and yarns, so watch this space for my new range of home-ware made from recycled T-Shirts.

I am very new to Folksy and I have chosen to start off gently with crocheted Afghans, blankets, etc.
Please keep an eye out for my next collections which will include Cushions and Wall Art.

If there is anything that you would really love but you can’t see in my shop, please do get in touch by clicking the CONTACT button on my shop banner and let’s have a chat.

Please do bear in mind though that crocheted blankets can take quite a while to create but there might be something else I can make for you which would be with you much quicker.

I hope you enjoy browsing through my shop and please do come back soon to see what's new on the shelves.
Kate Flowers