Jiggery Pokery Artwork

Lucy Reston

  • United Kingdom

“Tasteful textured nude illustrations on canvas”

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About Jiggery Pokery Artwork

Jiggery Pokery Artwork

Tasteful 3D nude illustrations on canvas

I have always loved illustrating, painting and creating but whilst recuperating from a mastectomy operation 5 years ago an idea popped into my head that just wouldn't go away - simple, beautiful curvaceous lines created in plaster on a matt canvas, and painted in gorgeous metallic colours so that the three dimensional effect would catch the light and make shadows, giving the artwork extra substance and lifting it from the canvas. I suppose it was a time of wondering how I would feel about my own femininity, and the beauty of the female form, so this is where I began and a series soon developed. My canvasses are intended to complement your decor (or indeed, contrast), and to this end I am very happy to advise and discuss various options for background colours and the colour most suited for the plaster illustration. Everyone is painstakingly created by hand, and therefore each individual painting is unique.