Handmade Crafts by Rachel


  • United Kingdom

“Original handmade crafts ”

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About Handmade Crafts by Rachel

Handmade Crafts by Rachel

Create original handmade crafts for gifts or a treat for yourself

Hello and thank you for dropping in.

My name is Rachel. I've always been keen on crafting but never really found the time to share my creations or had the confidence that anyone would like what I make. Encouraged by successful sales at my village's monthly market, I've taken the plunge and here I am!

I don't have a theme as such as I enjoy all types of craft but whatever the project is, it all happens in my craft room; it's my creative bolt hole and I love it. Even cups of coffee don't get finished because I just forget that they're there!

I hope you enjoy browsing in my shop and thank you again for dropping in.