Bluebell Studio


“Original paintings and limited edition prints direct from the artist”

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About Bluebell Studio

Bluebell Studio

Artist with a passion for beaches and dance

I am an artist who enjoys painting many subjects in different mediums but in particular beach scenes in watercolour and acrylic gouache. My ‘happy place’ is travelling around the beautiful beaches of the UK, usually out of season with my sketchbook and camera. I paint both en plein air and in my little home studio.

In contrast to my beach paintings, I also have a passion for dance (being a dance teacher, event organiser and DJ in the Salsa world). My dance paintings are in a looser style, sometimes vibrant, sometimes muted and mostly inspired while DJing at dance events and watching the dance floor.

My work is available as originals, limited editions and also as hand finished limited edition prints.

A little about my art journey. I returned to painting in 2018 after giving up for over 10 years when my Mum was seriously ill and I was caring for her and my disabled Dad. When I lost my Mum I also seemed to lose my love of painting and I didn’t pick up a brush again for over 10 years. Prior to my break from painting I was an award winning and exhibiting artist, a Fellow of The British Watercolour Society and a Fellow of The British Society of Painters.

I'm now enjoying painting again and making up for lost time. My paintings have been sold to buyers in the UK, USA, Europe, the Far East and Australia.

I have finally got round to creating an instagram page so please do follow me on there to see works in progress:
Thank you so much for your interest in my story and my work.