For Me & For You

Stewart & Jacqui

“Beautiful things for wonderful people”

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About For Me & For You

For Me & For You

Creating gorgeous art for gorgeous homes

For Me & For You Designs is the creative output of my wife, Jacqueline and me, Stewart. The business came to life in 2012. Our daughter, Esme, had just been born and we wanted to make our house feel like a home. The only problem was we didn't have a lot of money. What we did have was a lot of ideas, and the ability to make them a reality through Jax's job as a metalwork tutor at Liverpool Hope University.

Jax was trained how to use their laser cutting equipment, and using her masters degree from the Royal College of Art in London, was able to bring her creative ideas to life. Stewart spent his free time taking photographs that could then be reproduced as woodcut artwork. These pieces initially sat on our walls, but slowly we started to showcase them through the craft and artisan markets local to us. Through the likes of the Treacle Market in Macclesfield, we slowly built up a customer base and a range that meant we needed to invest in our own equipment.

Skip forward 7 years and we've built up our range to include wood and paper cut artwork, jewellery, tableware and cards. We also produce ranges of bespoke or personalised work. From working in a converted shed, we're now about to open our purpose refitted workshop and gallery space, and look to build on the success of the last few years.

We work hard and stick to one ethos. We have to create work that we would want in our home. If it's not something that we want, then it would mean that we're creating just to make money, and for us that means it doesn't have soul. Everything we make, we love and get excited by, and we hope you will to. For Me & For You