Claudine's Art

Claudine Péronne

“Art Cards, Painted Shells and Stones”

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About Claudine's Art

Claudine's Art

Painted Shells and Stones, Cat Cards, Romantic Cards, Framed Art Pictures: Cat Art, Romantic Art, Snow Art and Other Animals

I am a French artist based in Worthing, West Sussex, UK. My immersion in the arts world began in 2006 as I started an MA course in Transpersonal Arts Therapy at the University of Chichester.
I paint seashells and stones and draw pictures: Cats and other animals, romantic pictures, spiritual pictures and snow pictures.
I custom paint on stones, shells and paper and can paint something special for you in silhouette style: a special picture, word, name, initials, date, phrase....Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like a personalised painting.