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“Wood carvings with a medieval feel”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About Choirstall


I carve things from the past

I was given my first carving tools by my parents for Christmas over 50 years ago. I still have them. About the same time, I became interested in medieval art, and particularly the sculpture in churches, which range from the beautiful to the outright bizarre. From then on when work, family and umpteen other hobbies allowed time I have tried to find and photograph them and then reproduce them, respectfully but not slavishly. Now I am retired I have more time to carve.

I have a small workshop in the garden, which contains a lathe and bandsaw and 2 carving benches. I usually have two or three carvings on the go at any one time. Once the blank is prepared all the carving work is done with hand tools. Some I have had most of my life, many have been in use many lifetimes, and have previous owners' names stamped on them.