
Catalina Gutierrez

  • United Kingdom

“Handsewn friends for you to love!”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About CataStellar


I sew some stuff

I've been sewing since I was around six years old, having liked making things for as long as I can remember. I taught myself over the years and have become alright at it, I think. I started designing my own patterns for stuffed animals when I was about 14 or so, and started selling my stuff a couple of years later!

I make stuffed animals to relax, mainly, and the patterns I make are for no reason other than I think animals are pretty nice. Everything I make is handsewn unless I specify otherwise: until recently, I didn't get on with my sewing machine at all!

In my spare time, I like drawing, too, and I am a uni student studying for a BA in Costume Design and Making. I initially attempted to do a degree in Chemical Engineering, but ended up giving that up to do something I had much more of a love for.

I hope you like the things I make!