Hello! I am Cassia Beck, a collage artist based in Brighton, by the sea. I live with my fiancé, three young children and two dogs; one lurcher and one whippet.
I have been creative for as long as I can remember and find it incredibly therapeutic. Collage is my biggest love because it is spontaneous and instantly rewarding. I rarely plan what I am going to make. It happens as I work and I can surprise myself sometimes.
I love what I do and find it even more rewarding when others appreciate it too, especially when it brings a smile to their face.
My work has been licensed by IKEA and Urban Outiftters. It has also been featured in numerous magazines including Flow and Frankie Magazine. You can also find my art on various book covers.
If you are local to Brighton, you can see my products in Store 34, based in Worthing! I co-run a little beach hut shop with three other creatives. You'll find us at East Beach Parade, a few doors down from Coast Cafe, who do great coffee.
Reviewed by Angie
I love the design of this card so much
Reviewed by David
Lovely gifts which brighten up whatever you like. Well packaged and rapid delivery. Thank you.
Reviewed by Johnny
Always wonderful
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