
Average review score:
(100% positive from 4 reviews)

    Reviewed by Mrs Gillian Barratclough

    A beautifully made card it’s simplicity was beautiful and the craftsmanship simply perfect.
    Thank you

    Reviewed by Joanne

    This is the most gorgeous baby blanket. I can't wait for my neice to see it. I am quite convinced she will be overwhelmed. So so soft. Excellent quality. I cant recommend Caroline's work enough. Enjoy!

    Reviewed by Ros

    I love this pebble, the size and weight make it feel really comforting in my hand. I also love that the white and yellow dots look like tiny fried eggs! Wrapped really carefully so there were no blemishes when it arrived, I definitely recommend getting one.

    Reviewed by Luke

    Lovely design and well handcrafted. Thank you!

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