Butch Blokes - Beard.Hair.Skin.Care

Steve Lawrence

  • United Kingdom

“Naturally Artisan. Traditional Quality”

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About Butch Blokes - Beard.Hair.Skin.Care

Butch Blokes - Beard.Hair.Skin.Care

Great men's products made by the sea!

I'm an aging creative! I paint, make jewellery, create cards, write poems, garden, design gardens, and lots of other stuff. I have for many years worked with herbs etc. to create products to help people and a few years ago I came up with the idea of Butch Blokes - products aimed at men. In my younger days we had none of the stuff men can use to help themselves - just soap!
All my products use natural ingredients and are great for all Butch Blokes. My Age Defying Lotion is wonderful for not so butch women too!
I live just yards from the sea and use seaweed in my products and I make a wicked seaweed tea Selsey's Seaweed Tea!
I am married (40 years now) and have 3 grown up and married kids. Talk about bucking the trend!
I love what I do and I am sure you will too.