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Dave Young

  • United Kingdom

“Handmade Leather Camera Straps”

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About 595strapco


Hand Made Leather Camera Straps & Leather Goods

As a small independent brand I understand the need for products that not only function well, but also look great and will stand the test of time through everyday use too!

I set out with the idea of wanting to make leather goods for others that I would be happy to use myself and so all of the leather goods I make are made by hand myself, individually using high quality materials, sourced in the UK.

From the cutting of the leather by hand, dyeing where needed, hand stitching through to the fittings, each item is checked to ensure it is fit for purpose and meets my own standards and would be a product I would want to use. If it's not I don't send it on to you, my customer.

I love the experience of making leather goods for others, it's not just about selling a product, it's about creating something people are super-happy with and get the same enjoyment from that I get from making it.