
Average review score:
(99% positive from 68 reviews)

    Reviewed by Emma

    Lovely plant labels, thank you so much

    Reviewed by Motty

    Reviewed by leucadiagirl

    Great Folksy experience - the tags (which are just as fab as photographed) arrived very quickly, and sturdily packaged. Thanks so much!

    Reviewed by viddy

    Absolutely beautiful, I couldn't be more pleased, thanks!

    Reviewed by charlottebloomfield

    Gorgeous shop, thank you so much for my lovely tags!

    Reviewed by anon_4852

    Beautiful tags - Fab unique work, thank you.

    Reviewed by Rachel

    Thanks a lot Kim, the tags are lovely. I first saw your work in a gallery shop on colombia road. my friend used to be a cyclist and loves the tour de france so bought the cyclist card for her birthday! really loved the notebooks with the badger on too! thanks again xxx

    Reviewed by barbarabearo

    These tags are terrific! Thank you Lucky bird!

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