Joeshmo Leather Jewellery

“Bespoke Leather Jewellery, designed and made in the Heart of Gloucestershire”

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About Joeshmo Leather Jewellery

Joeshmo Leather Jewellery

Handmade bespoke leather jewellery

Having retired from teaching, due to a long term illness and during a visit to Lake Como, in Italy, I had time to reflect on the things that were important to me; friends, family and my purpose in life. Surrounded by stunning landscapes, architecture and art, I reflected on what gets me excited? What gets me up in the morning? What would I like more in my Life? What do I want less in my Life? Knowing I needed to step back from my old life and live another way, I was inspired to create JoeShmo Handcrafted Leather Jewellery.

I'm married to my best friend Susie; together we have two beautiful daughters Gabby, 29 and Mika 28. We live on a Dutch Cruiser in Gloucestershire, where we have embraced a more simplistic way of life, more in tune with where we want to be. Together we are Joeshmo. This is our passion!