Tigby on Tour

“Join Tigby on his magical adventures. Created by award winning author and illlustrator Jojo Stewart.”

All items by Tigby on Tour

  • Tigby Tried - A 'Tigby on Tour' Storybook Adventure (Aged 0-5)

    Tigby Tried - A 'Tigby on T...

    Tigby on Tour


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About Tigby on Tour

Tigby on Tour

Join Tigby on his exciting adventures. Follow him through stories and illustrations!

After training with The London Art College in Children's Illustration (and achieving top marks) I was given the most amazing opportunity to write, illustrate and publish my very own children's book, something I have wanted to do for a number of years.

Having been a teacher for over 20 years I realised the impact the pandemic had had on my students - I was really passionate about writing a book aimed at supporting the message 'Keep Trying and Never Give Up'. This idea saw the creation of my character Tigby.

My love for collage encouraged me to experiment with my book illustrations. I wanted people to remember that the world isn't perfect, there are lumps, bumps and wobbles and no one is the same. It was important that my book represented that idea, all the letters are individually cut (and perhaps a little bit wonky), Tigby may have a few lumps and bumps, but he proves that if you keep trying, no matter how wrong things might go at times, you'll get there in the end.

Follow Tigby's exciting adventures by visiting: www.facebook.com/tigbyontour


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    Reviewed by Lynsey

    I was eagerly awaiting the release of this book so I was delighted I was able to get one of the few signed copies. The book arrived very quickly from purchase point and having read the book myself, I look forward to seeing the reaction of my class once the holidays are over.