Scottish Art Prints

Carol McEwan

“by Carol McEwan”

Shop Announcement:

All prints are professionally printed in the UK and despatched from Scotland.
Most items are in stock & ready to send, but please message first if you need urgent delivery to double check.

Commissions and custom sizes are welcome. Contact Carol for details -

© Carol McEwan Art, Scotland. all rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any way.

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

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About Scottish Art Prints

Scottish Art Prints

Carol McEwan is a Scottish artist creating high quality art prints from her favourite places around Scotland.

Carol McEwan is a Dundee artist inspired by Scottish landscapes and creates her art prints using digital collage techniques.

Original photographs are layered with abstract textures, colours and brush strokes to evoke mood and atmosphere in her work.

Each artwork is printed in the UK by an award-winning Fine Art Trade Guild printer.

She lives in Dundee with her husband and loves working from her home studio, usually accompanied by her wee cat Bracken.