Shop Announcement:

Everything in my shop is made and quilted by me using a domestic sewing machine

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.



Quilted cot covers and other quilted and sewn gifts

I have always enjoyed being creative and have undertaken a number of different crafts including beading and making jewellery in polymer clay. About 7 years ago I decided I wanted to make a quilt for my bed. I have always done sewing making clothes, tapestry and cross stitch at different times.
Little did I know that it was no mean feat to make a king size patchwork quilt, then add wadding and a backing before quilting the whole thing. I did survive and despite the difficulties with this craft, I was hooked! However, you can only ever need so many quilts, so I needed to think about what to do with them when they were finished. My answer was to sell them and after taking back material costs I was able to donate any profit to charity. I support Dreamflight a charity which provides a wonderful holiday experience for terminally ill and disadvantaged children. So now I can persue my craft and have a reason for doing it. Win -win!