Snowdrops Coaster, Mug Coas...
Her Joyful Heart£3.00
A warm welcome to my shop! I currently aim to post orders out within a few days via Royal Mail. Happy browsing!
Hello! I'm Ruth and I've been enjoying drawing since childhood. Often poorly growing up, it was like therapy for me and a good distraction from pain. When as an adult, chronic ill health meant I was forced to give up my career, I started giving more time and attention to my art and on the advice of friends, I first chanced selling my art at local markets. This went really well and so my little art business was born.
The idea for my business name, "Her Joyful Heart" came to me partly because of the joy I experience when creating my art and also the pleasure I get from seeing other people enjoy it. It was also at the time I first came to faith as a Christian. Realising that I was truly valued, loved beyond measure (so much so that Jesus died for my sins), and properly seen by God, was a wonderful feeling and I was overflowing with joy and gratitude. The words "Her Joyful Heart" seemed to sum it all up pretty well.
I draw my work by hand from the seed of an idea, mostly nature-inspired art which I see as a celebration of God's creation. I reproduce my artwork on a range of cards, prints and gifts. Where possible, I print and produce these myself at home, but as I live in a tiny apartment and do not have room for a kiln, some items are outsourced to a small family-run UK based printers who always produce a quality end product.
I'm always surprised whenever someone openly appreciates my work and it certainly gives me a boost!. It encourages me to keep going, and helps to chase those "I'm not good enough" thoughts away.
When I'm not drawing, I enjoy drinking hot chocolate or tea, cuddling two beautiful tabby cats, walks/outings amongst nature with my husband, photography and snuggling under blankets reading or watching movies.
I hope you enjoy browsing what I have to offer. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.
Every blessing, Ruth/Her Joyful Heart x
Reviewed by Katie Smith
Absolutely gorgeous. Snowdrops are one of my favourite flowers. Really well made and prompt delivery from Her Joyful Heart. Well packaged so no postal damage. Really beautiful.
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