Loaded With Colour


“Empty model railway wagons are not making any money. Load Up with Re:LOADS Model Road & Rail Loads and start earning some scale revenue.”

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About Loaded With Colour

Loaded With Colour

Empty model railway wagons are not making any money. Load Up with Re:LOADS Model Road & Rail Loads and start earning some scale revenue.

I'm a Kiwi in the UK. A glazier by trade, I've also attended a variety of art glass courses - stained glass, traditional glass painting & glass fusing etc. And I've been a train nut & model maker my whole life. I've always been creative and always been intrigued by things in miniature. When I was young I designed board games & would build cardboard stock cars to race around the kitchen floor, destroying them in the process. Not just the cars - I also built the track, walls & the safety fences! I'm a train nut and model railroader, an amateur astronomer, a genealogist and I just love things in miniature.

In 1988 I began a 4 year, 8000 hour glazing apprenticeship, in Nelson, New Zealand, learning every aspect of the glass trade and gaining NZ Trade Certificate & Advanced Trade Certificate in Flat Glass (Glazing). Since coming to the UK I have taken the opportunity to undergo a whole range of art glass courses covering Traditional Stained Glass, Glass Painting, Copper Foiling & Glass Fusing.

I'm going down a new road now and my line of Re:LOADS Model Road & Rail Loads & Scenic Accessories that I'm currently developing is taking over. You will still see my Stained Glass SunSTRIKERS in my shop, but you'll also see more and more train goodies!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for shopping at Loaded With Colour.