Goozeberry Hill

This shop is taking a break and won't be able to process orders.

Goozeberry Hill
Goozeberry Hill

Mrs Goozeberry


This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Goozeberry Hill

Goozeberry Hill


Hello, I'm Mrs Goozeberry. Thank you for stopping by

I set my business up from my kitchen table, looking for something to fit around the work/life balance of having two small boys. My little boys and I would spend hours scouring antique shops & fairs (recruiting family members to do the same!) looking for beautiful vintage cutlery to stamp for the shop.

But things have definitely changed since then!

Now my boys are that much older (and taller than me!) I can dedicate more time to my little kitchen table business that has grown beyond my wildest dreams. I decided last year to take the plunge & invest in a much coveted laser cutter which has given me the ability not only to design new products but to ensure that each & every piece created by me can be personalised just for you.

I live in beautiful South Wales with my partner, two teenage sons and our adorable Frengle Hound Ralph. I am incredibly lucky to have the beach on my door step and a beautiful view of the coast from my workshop which provides inspiration on those 'creative block' days

I hope you can find something perfect just for you