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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Lavyangel


No item is left behind: rethink, repurpose, reuse, restore, recycle, zero waste.

I have started my journey in upcycling and creating objects since I was in my early 20's. My family inspired me on this journey because they are very creative and always find a second life for each item they have in their hands. I started with small objects that did not need sewing or been cut by jigsaw. I recycle tassels and zips from bags to create new keyrings and washbags; kitchen rolls to use them as gift boxes; transform a spare textile piece into a tote shopping bag, a large leather piece into heart shaped keyrings; metal caps from glass bottle drinks into magnets....just to mention few examples. Slowly I will expand skills into a wider span competencies. Living in a very green area gave me the inspiration that we do not really need mass production and we are surrounded already with everything we need. In 2021 I have started with Vinted and few years back with Wasteless Market and only recently I have discovered Folksy and joined just in May 2024. Fingers cross you like what I make. In addition, I am a big fun of circular economy and of giving a second chance/life/home to all those items that I can customize upcycle, repurpose, and recycle…as far as zero waste is involved. My mission is to reduce waste and bring you ethical and sustainable products.
Good luck in finding what you are looking for and most wish.
Create responsibly, think sustainably.