
Tanya Golding

  • United Kingdom

“Black and White Ink designs with an Aboriginal feel.”

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About TanyaGoldingDreaming


My black and white designs are inspired by Aboriginal art and the free flowing, natural designs that are created.

I am currently a full time mum of 2 small girls and for such a long time I have put my artistic nature and talents on hold. Recently though I have felt compelled to return to my arty side and start drawing and painting again. At the moment I mainly do most of my work at night when the girls are in bed, as I am continually fearful of split juice over one of my designs.

All my designs are drawn with pen and ink, free hand and they evolve over time. My inspiration is based mainly from nature and where I live, but my real and true inspiration is drawn through Aboriginal artwork, where the designs are beautifully and effortlessly created from patterns/doodles and simple designs and dots. I visited Australia several years ago and spent time with Aborigines and I feel a piece of my heart still remains.