Korora Glass

“Fused glass jewellery and decorative gifts”

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About Korora Glass

Korora Glass

Colourful glass jewellery and decorative gifts

Hello, I'm Josina and, along with my husband, Paul, I attended a glass fusing one day course a few years ago where we both became hooked on working with glass.
On that first course I made the dish on the left of the photo and was thrilled to see how the stripes catch the light once they are fused and shaped. We went back for a second day's course, when I made the dish on the right of the photo - getting a bit more adventurous with the range of colours and amount of cutting of the glass. We both enjoyed these sessions so much that we wanted to keep making more beautiful glass objects.
We now have our own kiln at home and continue to be excited by seeing how the glass can change shape and the quality of the colour develops as it is heated and the different layers fuse together in the kiln.
Korora is the Maori name for a type of penguin, also known as the Blue Penguin or Fairy Penguin. We are fond of penguins (a long story about how we met) and like the idea of a magical penguin to reflect how the glass is transformed in the kiln.