Gyendi Candles

“100% Organic Wellness Candles”

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About Gyendi Candles

Gyendi Candles

Sharing light and positive energy through organic candles

I have founded a business, exciting!! GYENDI, meaning 'I am ok''. My product is 100% organic, handmade candles with pure essential oils to promote wellness and positive energy.

Gyendi is the value that drives me! And we are ok, most of the time, despite the individual challenges life presents us, but sometimes a little uplift, or restore balance and calm is needed. Hence these beautiful candles. As someone who has personal experience of anxiety and depression, I know how debilitating it can be and I hope to share a little light for others. That's why 10% of profit is donated to UK wellbeing charities.

My ultimate vision is to extend GYENDI to a social enterprise and create opportunities for social candle making to support individuals with anxiety and depression make connections and have a safe and supportive outlet to share and be part of a community. But I start small, I currently have two beautiful essential oil blends, one to relax and one to energise and a non fragranced candle, where the beauty of light and energy can just be appreciated without scent. I really hope to 'bring light, in dark places, where all other lights have gone out' (fellowship of the rings, 2001)