Dayseye Designs

Daisy Rose Nimerovski

“ Bespoke/one of a kind pieces handmade in the uk.”

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About Dayseye Designs

Dayseye Designs

did you know evolution is no- it - you - love backwards.

Ok, so... right ..ok ,you can do this daisy..meh...procrastinates

on the depth of procrastination reachable. Well I grew up in a

3000 year old village of ruins in the depths of absolutely nowhere ..Eire.

picking up putting windows plastering picking old stone walls and learnting to mix cement at age such Im prob not what may be concidered your "typical women".... I like to don both a polka dot

dress and a sythe...:P

Well in no particular order...l'm interested in or partake of art

self sustainability... chocolate ...permaculture eco-arcitecture

....zombies..chainsaws .....stop moition animation ..planning for the

apocolypse / the awakening depending on your persepctive :P.. . ?? is this a thing ?? questioning duality and the nature of reality

through words sacred geometry the signature of doctrine and the shape of our beliefs.
well that got a bit serious for a min/////

melting things namely glass to make into jewellery balancing orbs of belief ..that will do

for now ..I'll take this all much more seriously one day.. ok that

last bit was a lie.

I'm currently working clearing and building an edible permaculture

garden on a vacuous expanse of brambles.. well once ive tamed the

orchard of death.. I dont sit still or sleep as these things bore

me an arty farty type I melt lots of glass into pretty

jewellery to be sold in galleries.. I Carve with my chain saw

(largely whilst envisioning zombie massacres... * cough** I mean

gum drops and sugar beams) paint abstract works and dabble in

photography and graphic design. I run a foraging group locally
collecting and distributing wild and abandoned fruit. I make allot

of jam and eat allot of leaves most people probably wouldn't

recognise. I live in a fantasy world ... its better trust me.. my

current fascination are mushroom and toad stool structures and

studying all things botany. . .. I get distracted not easily but

readily ..the worrld has too much to do in one life time ....ohh

graffiti moss ..does anyone actually ...really.... read this could

i just type anything ?